Step inside the magical world of This Bright Land, transforming the Somerset House magnificent courtyard into a wonderland open to all, with joyful day-and-night performances, music, dance, talks, workshops and more, platforming established creatives and grassroots communities.
Created by Somerset House Studios artists Gareth Pugh and Carson McColl, This Bright Land will put togetherness at its heart. From bold attractions including a 35m observation wheel and open-air Vogue Balls, staged in collaboration with Vogue Rites, to parties hosted by creative collectives and Sunday street parties, the festival seeks to encourage connection and collaboration through entertainment and play.
Visit the Somerset House website for the weekly schedule of events.
20 February 2025
On-street security briefings take place on the third Thursday of the month at 11am in The Northbank. These briefings are for those with an interest in the safety and security of the area, particularly those working in security. Last month’s briefing focused on the new pedestrianised space, Strand Aldwych, and addressed security concerns such as phone snatching and theft. To receive invites please register for security updates here.
15 May 2025
On-street security briefings take place on the third Thursday of the month at 11am in The Northbank. These briefings are for those with an interest in the safety and security of the area, particularly those working in security. Last month’s briefing focused on the new pedestrianised space, Strand Aldwych, and addressed security concerns such as phone snatching and theft. To receive invites please register for security updates here.